

plural of solvent

Source: Wiktionary


Sol"vent, a. Etym: [L. solvens, of solvere. See Solvable.]

1. Having the power of dissolving; dissolving; as, a solvent fluid. "the solvent body." Boyle.

2. Able or sufficient to pay all just debts; as, a solvent merchant; the estate is solvent.

Sol"vent, n. (Chem.)

Definition: A substance (usually liquid) suitable for, or employed in, solution, or in dissolving something; as, water is the appropriate solvent of most salts, alcohol of resins, ether of fats, and mercury or acids of metal, etc.

2. That which resolves; as, a solvent of mystery.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

29 May 2024


(noun) an economic policy adopted in the former Soviet Union; intended to increase automation and labor efficiency but it led eventually to the end of central planning in the Russian economy

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Coffee Trivia

There are four varieties of commercially viable coffee: Arabica, Liberica, Excelsa, and Robusta. Growers predominantly plant the Arabica species. Although less popular, Robusta tastes slightly more bitter and contains more caffeine.

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