

soddenly (comparative more soddenly, superlative most soddenly)

In a sodden (soaking wet) manner.

Source: Wiktionary


Sod"den, a. [p. p. of Seethe.]

Definition: Boiled; seethed; also, soaked; heavy with moisture; saturated; as, sodden beef; sodden bread; sodden fields.

Sod"den, v. i.

Definition: To be seethed; to become sodden.

Sod"den, v. t.

Definition: To soak; to make heavy with water.


Seethe, v. t. [imp. Seethed (Sod (, obs.); p. p. Seethed, Sodden (; p. pr. & vb. n. Seething.] Etym: [OE. sethen, AS. seĂł; akin to D. sieden, OHG. siodan, G. sieden, Icel. sj, Sw. sjuda, Dan. syde, Goth. saubs a burnt offering. Cf. Sod, n., Sodden, Suds.]

Definition: To decoct or prepare for food in hot liquid; to boil; as, to seethe flesh. [Written also seeth.] Set on the great pot, and seethe pottage for the sons of the prophets. 2 Kings iv. 38.

Seethe, v. i.

Definition: To be a state of ebullition or violent commotion; to be hot; to boil. 1 Sam. ii. 13. A long Pointe, round which the Mississippi used to whirl, and seethe, and foam. G. W. Cable.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

3 July 2024


(noun) an excited state of agitation; “he was in a dither”; “there was a terrible flap about the theft”

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Coffee Trivia

Espresso is both a coffee beverage and a brewing method that originated in Italy. When making an espresso, a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure forces through finely-ground coffee beans. It has more caffeine per unit volume than most coffee beverages. Its smaller serving size will take three shots to equal a mug of standard brewed coffee.

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