

plural of skiving

Source: Wiktionary


Ski"ving, n.

1. The act of paring or splitting leather or skins.

2. A piece made in paring or splitting leather; specifically, the part from the inner, or flesh, side.


Skive, n. Etym: [Cf. Icel. skifa a shaving, slice, E. shive, sheave.]

Definition: The iron lap used by diamond polishers in finishing the facets of the gem.

Skive, v. t.

Definition: To pare or shave off the rough or thick parts of (hides or leather).

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

11 May 2024


(noun) (always used with a modifier) boredom resulting from overexposure to something; “he was suffering from museum fatigue”; “after watching TV with her husband she had a bad case of football fatigue”; “the American public is experiencing scandal fatigue”; “political fatigue”

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Coffee Trivia

The first coffee-house in Mecca dates back to the 1510s. The beverage was in Turkey by the 1530s. It appeared in Europe circa 1515-1519 and was introduced to England by 1650. By 1675 the country had more than 3,000 coffee houses, and coffee had replaced beer as a breakfast drink.

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