

rubiaceous (not comparable)

Of or pertaining to the large and diverse family of flowering plants known as Rubiaceae.

Source: Wiktionary

Ru`bi*a"ceous, a. Etym: [L. rubia madder, fr. rubeus red.] (Bot.)

Definition: Of or pertaining to a very large natural order of plants (Rubiaceæ) named after the madder (Rubia tinctoria), and including about three hundred and seventy genera and over four thousand species. Among them are the coffee tree, the trees yielding peruvian bark and quinine, the madder, the quaker ladies, and the trees bearing the edible fruits called genipap and Sierre Leone peach, besides many plants noted for the beauty or the fragrance of their blossoms.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

5 July 2024


(noun) surgical procedure that creates a new fenestra to the cochlea in order to restore hearing lost because of osteosclerosis

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