

plural of rowlock

Source: Wiktionary


Row"lock ( colloq. , n. Etym: [For oarlock; AS. *rloc, where the second part is skin to G. loch a hole, E. lock a fastening. See Oar, and Lock.] (Naut.)

Definition: A contrivance or arrangement serving as a fulcrum for an oar in rowing. It consists sometimes of a notch in the gunwale of a boat, sometimes of a pair of pins between which the oar rests on the edge of the gunwale, sometimes of a single pin passing through the oar, or of a metal fork or stirrup pivoted in the gunwale and suporting the oar.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

28 May 2024


(noun) a high standing achieved through success or influence or wealth etc.; “he wanted to achieve power and prestige”

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Coffee Trivia

The world’s most expensive coffee costs more than US$700 per kilogram. Asian palm civet – a cat-like creature in Indonesia, eats fruits, including select coffee cherries. It excretes partially digested seeds that produce a smooth, less acidic brew of coffee called kopi luwak.

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