returning, reverting

(adjective) tending to return to an earlier state

backsliding, lapse, lapsing, relapse, relapsing, reversion, reverting

(noun) a failure to maintain a higher state

Source: WordNet® 3.1



present participle of revert

Source: Wiktionary


Re*vert", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reverted; p. pr. & vb. n. Reverting.] Etym: [L. revertere, reversum; pref. re- re- + vertere to turn: cf. OF. revertir. See Verse, and cf. Reverse.]

1. To turn back, or to the contrary; to reverse. Till happy chance revert the cruel scence. Prior. The tumbling stream . . . Reverted, plays in undulating flow. Thomson.

2. To throw back; to reflect; to reverberate.

3. (Chem.)

Definition: To change back. See Revert, v. i. To revert a series (Alg.), to treat a series, as y = a + bx + cx2 + etc., where one variable y is expressed in powers of a second variable x, so as to find therefrom the second variable x, expressed in a series arranged in powers of y.

Re*vert", v. i.

1. To return; to come back. So that my arrows Would have reverted to my bow again. Shak.

2. (Law)

Definition: To return to the proprietor after the termination of a particular estate granted by him.

3. (Biol.)

Definition: To return, wholly or in part, towards some preëxistent form; to take on the traits or characters of an ancestral type.

4. (Chem.)

Definition: To change back, as from a soluble to an insoluble state or the reverse; thus, phosphoric acid in certain fertilizers reverts.

Re*vert", n.

Definition: One who, or that which, reverts. An active promoter in making the East Saxons converts, or rather reverts, to the faith. Fuller.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

4 July 2024


(noun) a diuretic (trade names Hygroton and Thalidone) used to control hypertension and conditions that cause edema; effective in lowering blood pressure to prevent heart attacks

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Coffee Trivia

According to Statista, the global coffee industry is worth US$363 billion in 2020. The market grows annually by 10.6%, and 78% of revenue came from out-of-home establishments like cafes and coffee beverage retailers.

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