
(adjective) drawn back and in; “a cat with retracted claws”

Source: WordNet® 3.1



simple past tense and past participle of retract



withdrawn back and in, as the claws of a cat

(linguistics) (of a sound) pronounced further back in the vocal tract

(heraldry) couped by a line diagonal to the main direction


• detracter

Source: Wiktionary


Re*tract", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retracted; p. pr. & vb. n. Retracting.] Etym: [F. rétracter, L. retractare, retractatum, to handle again, reconsider, retract, fr. retrahere, retractum, to draw back. See Retreat.]

1. To draw back; to draw up or shorten; as, the cat can retract its claws; to retract a muscle.

2. Ti withdraw; to recall; to disavow; to recant; to take back; as, to retract an accusation or an assertion. I would as freely have retracted this charge of idolatry as I ever made it. Bp. Stillingfleet.

3. To take back,, as a grant or favor previously bestowed; to revoke. [Obs.] Woodward.


– To recal; withdraw; rescind; revoke; unsay; disavow; recant; abjure; disown.

Re*tract", v. i.

1. To draw back; to draw up; as, muscles retract after amputation.

2. To take back what has been said; to withdraw a concession or a declaration. She will, and she will not; she grants, denies, Consents, retracts, advances, and then files. Granville.

Re*tract", n. (Far.)

Definition: The pricking of a horse's foot in nailing on a shoe.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


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5 October 2024


(noun) mattress consisting of a pad of cotton batting that is used for sleeping on the floor or on a raised frame

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