

Third-person singular simple present indicative form of remember


• remembres

Source: Wiktionary


Re*mem"ber (r-mm"br), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Remembered (-brd); p. pr. & vb. n. Remembering.] Etym: [OF. remebrer, L. rememorari; pref. re- re- + memorare to bring to remembrance, from memor mindful. See Memory, and cf. Rememorate.]

1. To have ( a notion or idea) come into the mind again, as previously perceived, known, or felt; to have a renewed apprehension of; to bring to mind again; to think of again; to recollect; as, I remember the fact; he remembers the events of his childhood; I cannot remember dates. We are said to remember anithing, when the idea of it ariseI. Watts.

2. To be capable of recalling when required; to keep in mind; to be continually aware or thoughtful of; to preserve fresh in the memory; to attend to; to think of with gratitude, affection, respect, or any other emotion. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Ex. xx. 8. That they may have their wages duly paid 'em, And something over to remember me by. Shak. Remember what I warn thee; shun to taste. Milton.

3. To put in mind; to remind; -- also used reflexively and impersonally. [Obs.] "Remembering them the trith of what they themselves known." Milton. My friends remembered me of home. Chapman. Remember you of passed heaviness. Chaucer. And well thou wost [knowest] if it remember thee. Chaucer.

4. To mention. [Obs.] "As in many cases hereafter to be remembered." Ayliffe.

5. To recall to the mind of another, as in the friendly messages, remember me to him, he wishes to be remembered to you, etc.

Re*mem"ber (r-mm"br), v. i.

Definition: To execise or have the power of memory; as, some remember better than others. Shak.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

2 July 2024


(verb) move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point; “Blood circulates in my veins”; “The air here does not circulate”

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Coffee Trivia

According to Guinness World Records, the most massive cup of coffee contained 22,739.14 liters and was created by Alcaldía Municipal de Chinchiná (Colombia) at Parque de Bolívar, Chinchiná, Caldas, Colombia, on 15 June 2019. Fifty people worked for more than a month to build this giant cup. The drink prepared was Arabic coffee.

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