

simple past tense and past participle of remedy


• remeided

Source: Wiktionary


Rem"e*dy (rm"-d), n.; pl. Remedies (-d. Etym: [L. remedium; pref. re- re- + mederi to heal, to cure: cf. F. remède remedy, remédier to remedy. See Medical.]

1. That which relieves or cures a disease; any medicine or application which puts an end to disease and restores health; -- with for; as, a remedy for the gout.

2. That which corrects or counteracts an evil of any kind; a corrective; a counteractive; reparation; cure; -- followed by for or against, formerly by to. What may else be remedy or cure To evils which our own misdeeds have wrought, He will instruct us. Milton.

3. (Law)

Definition: The legal means to recover a right, or to obtain redress for a wrong. Civil remedy. See under Civil.

– Remedy of the mint (Coinage), a small allowed deviation from the legal standard of weight and fineness; -- called also tolerance.


– Cure; restorative; counteraction; reparation; redress; relief; aid; help; assistance.

Rem"e*dy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Remedied (-dd); p. pr. & vb. n. Remedying.] Etym: [L. remediare, remediari: cf. F. rem. See Remedy, n.]

Definition: To apply a remedy to; to relieve; to cure; to heal; to repair; to redress; to correct; to counteract. I will remedy this gear ere long. Shak.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

5 July 2024


(noun) surgical procedure that creates a new fenestra to the cochlea in order to restore hearing lost because of osteosclerosis

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