

plural of refinery

Source: Wiktionary


Re*fin"er*y (-), n.; pl. Refineries (-. Etym: [Cf. F. raffinerie.]

1. The building and apparatus for refining or purifying, esp. metals and sugar.

2. A furnace in which cast iron is refined by the action of a blast on the molten metal.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

31 May 2024


(noun) some event that causes someone to be embarrassed; “the outcome of the vote was an embarrassment for the liberals”

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Coffee Trivia

Coffee starts as a yellow berry, changes into a red berry, and then is picked by hand to harvest. The red berry is de-shelled through a water soaking process and what’s left inside is the green coffee bean. This bean then dries in the sun for 3-5 days, where it is then packed and ready for sale.

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