causeless, reasonless

(adjective) having no justifying cause or reason; “a senseless, causeless murder”; “a causeless war that never had an aim”; “an apparently arbitrary and reasonless change”


(adjective) not endowed with the capacity to reason; “a reasonless brute”

mindless, reasonless, senseless

(adjective) not marked by the use of reason; “mindless violence”; “reasonless hostility”; “a senseless act”

Source: WordNet® 3.1



reasonless (comparative more reasonless, superlative most reasonless)

Lacking reason or purpose.

Source: Wiktionary

Rea"son*less, a.

1. Destitute of reason; as, a reasonless man or mind. Shak.

2. Void of reason; not warranted or supported by reason; unreasonable. This proffer is absurd and reasonless. Shak.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

31 July 2024


(noun) a vasodilator (trade name Loniten) used to treat severe hypertension; one side effect is hirsutism so it is also sold (trade name Rogaine) as a treatment for male-patterned baldness

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