

plural of preparation


• paraproteins

Source: Wiktionary


Prep`a*ra"tion, n. Etym: [F. préparation, L. praeparatio. See Prepare.]

1. The act of preparing or fitting beforehand for a particular purpose, use, service, or condition; previous arrangement or adaptation; a making ready; as, the preparation of land for a crop of wheat; the preparation of troops for a campaign.

2. The state of being prepared or made ready; preparedness; readiness; fitness; as, a nation in good preparation for war.

3. That which makes ready, prepares the way, or introduces; a preparatory act or measure. I will show what preparations there were in nature for this dissolution. T. Burnet.

4. That which is prepared, made, or compounded by a certain process or for a particular purpose; a combination. Specifically: (a) Any medicinal substance fitted for use. (b) Anything treated for preservation or examination as a specimen. (c) Something prepared for use in cookery. I wish the chemists had been more sparing who magnify their preparations. Sir T. Browne. In the preparations of cookery, the most volatile parts of vegetables are destroyed. Arbuthnot.

5. An army or fleet. [Obs.] Shak.

6. (Mus.)

Definition: The holding over of a note from one chord into the next chord, where it forms a temporary discord, until resolved in the chord that follows; the anticipation of a discordant note in the preceding concord, so that the ear is prepared for the shock. See Suspension.

7. Accomplishment; qualification. [Obs.] Shak.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

24 October 2024


(noun) a closed plane curve resulting from the intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely through it; “the sums of the distances from the foci to any point on an ellipse is constant”

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Coffee Trivia

There are more than 50 countries that export coffee. They are near the equator, where the climate is conducive to producing coffee beans.

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