

present participle of precaution

Source: Wiktionary


Pre*cau"tion, n. Etym: [F. précation, L. praecautio, fr. praecavere, praecautum, to guard against beforehand; prae before + cavere be on one's guard. See Pre-, and Caution.]

1. Previous caution or care; caution previously employed to prevent mischief or secure good; as, his life was saved by precaution. They [ancient philosophers] treasured up their supposed discoveries with miserable precaution. J. H. Newman.

2. A measure taken beforehand to ward off evil or secure good or success; a precautionary act; as, to take precautions against accident.

Pre*cau"tion, v. t. Etym: [Cf. F. précautionner.]

1. To warn or caution beforehand. Locke.

2. To take precaution against. [R.] Dryden.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

6 July 2024


(noun) absence of systole; failure of the ventricles of the heart to contract (usually caused by ventricular fibrillation) with consequent absence of the heart beat leading to oxygen lack and eventually to death

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As of 2019, Starbucks opens a new store every 15 hours in China. The coffee chain has grown by 700% over the past decade.

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