

plural of plantation

Source: Wiktionary


Plan*ta"tion, n. Etym: [L. plantatio: cf. F. plantation.]

1. The act or practice of planting, or setting in the earth for growth. [R.]

2. The place planted; land brought under cultivation; a piece of ground planted with trees or useful plants; esp., in the United States and West Indies, a large estate appropriated to the production of the more important crops, and cultivated by laborers who live on the estate; as, a cotton plantation; a coffee plantation.

3. An original settlement in a new country; a colony. While these plantations were forming in Connecticut. B. Trumbull.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

8 July 2024


(noun) a line or route along which something travels or moves; “the hurricane demolished houses in its path”; “the track of an animal”; “the course of the river”

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Coffee Trivia

The Boston Tea Party helped popularize coffee in America. The hefty tea tax imposed on the colonies in 1773 resulted in America switching from tea to coffee. In the lead up to the Revolutionary War, it became patriotic to sip java instead of tea. The Civil War made the drink more pervasive. Coffee helped energize tired troops, and drinking it became an expression of freedom.

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