pan, tear apart, trash

(verb) express a totally negative opinion of; “The critics panned the performance”

pan, pan out, pan off

(verb) wash dirt in a pan to separate out the precious minerals


(verb) make a sweeping movement; “The camera panned across the room”

Source: WordNet® 3.1


panning (plural pannings)

The act of one who pans, as for gold.

Material that has been panned.

Geological Survey Professional Paper (volumes 265-270, page 122)

(audio) The act by which a sound is panned.

(informal) Thorough criticism.



present participle of pan


• Nanping

Source: Wiktionary


Pan-, Pan"ta-, Pan"to-. Etym: [Gr.

Definition: Combining forms signifying all, every; as, panorama, pantheism, pantagraph, pantograph. Pan- becomes pam- before b or p, as pamprodactylous.

Pan, n. Etym: [OE. See 2d Pane.]

1. A part; a portion.

2. (Fort.)

Definition: The distance comprised between the angle of the epaule and the flanked angle.

3. Etym: [Perh. a different word.]

Definition: A leaf of gold or silver.

Pan, v. t. & i. Etym: [Cf. F. pan skirt, lappet, L. pannus a cloth, rag, W. panu to fur, to full.]

Definition: To join or fit together; to unite. [Obs.] Halliwell.

Pan, n. Etym: [Hind. pan, Skr. parna leaf.]

Definition: The betel leaf; also, the masticatory made of the betel leaf, etc. See .

Pan, n. Etym: [L., fr. Gr. (Gr. Myth.)

Definition: The god of shepherds, guardian of bees, and patron of fishing and hunting. He is usually represented as having the head and trunk of a man, with the legs, horns, and tail of a goat, and as playing on the shepherd's pipe, which he is said to have invented.

Pan, n. Etym: [OE. panne, AS. panne; cf. D. pan, G. pfanne, OHG. pfanna, Icel., Sw., LL., & Ir. panna, of uncertain origin; cf. L. patina, E. paten.]

1. A shallow, open dish or vessel, usually of metal, employed for many domestic uses, as for setting milk for cream, for frying or baking food, etc.; also employed for various uses in manufacturing. "A bowl or a pan." Chaucer.

2. (Manuf.)

Definition: A closed vessel for boiling or evaporating. See Vacuum pan, under Vacuum.

3. The part of a flintlock which holds the priming.

4. The skull, considered as a vessel containing the brain; the upper part of the head; the brainpan; the cranium. Chaucer.

5. (C

Definition: A recess, or bed, for the leaf of a hinge.

6. The hard stratum of earth that lies below the soil. See Hard pan, under Hard.

7. A natural basin, containing salt or fresh water, or mud. Flash in the pan. See under Flash.

– To savor of the pan, to suggest the process of cooking or burning; in a theological sense, to be heretical. Ridley. Southey.

Pan, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Panned; p. pr. & vb. n. Panning.] (Mining)

Definition: To separate, as gold, from dirt or sand, by washing in a kind of pan. [U. S.] We . . . witnessed the process of cleaning up and panning out, which is the last process of separating the pure gold from the fine dirt and black sand. Gen. W. T. Sherman.

Pan, v. i.

1. (Mining)

Definition: To yield gold in, or as in, the process of panning; -- usually with out; as, the gravel panned out richly.

2. To turn out (profitably or unprofitably); to result; to develop; as, the investigation, or the speculation, panned out poorly. [Slang, U. S.]

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

29 June 2024


(noun) an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name and pronounced separately; “HTML is an initialism for HyperText Markup Language”

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