painting, house painting

(noun) the occupation of a house painter; “house painting was the only craft he knew”


(noun) the act of applying paint to a surface; “you can finish the job of painting faster with a roller than with a brush”


(noun) creating a picture with paints; “he studied painting and sculpture for many years”

painting, picture

(noun) graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface; “a small painting by Picasso”; “he bought the painting as an investment”; “his pictures hang in the Louvre”

Source: WordNet® 3.1



present participle of paint


painting (countable and uncountable, plural paintings)

(countable) An illustration or artwork done with the use of paint.

(uncountable) The action of applying paint to a surface.

(uncountable) The same activity as an art form.


The same activity as an art form

• third art


• patining

Source: Wiktionary

Paint"ing, n.

1. The act or employment of laying on, or adorning with, paints or colors.

2. (Fine Arts)

Definition: The work of the painter; also, any work of art in which objects are represented in color on a flat surface; a colored representation of any object or scene; a picture.

3. Color laid on; paint. [R.] Shak.

4. A depicting by words; vivid representation in words.


– See Picture.


Paint, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Painted; p. pr. & vb. n. Painting.] Etym: [OE. peinten, fr. F. peint, p. p. opeindre to paint, fr. L. pingere, pictum; cf. Gr. many-colored, Skr. pic to adorn. Cf. Depict, Picture, Pigment, Pint.]

1. To cover with coloring matter; to apply paint to; as, to paint a house, a signboard, etc. Jezebel painted her face and tired her head. 2 Kings ix. 30.

2. Fig.: To color, stain, or tinge; to adorn or beautify with colors; to diversify with colors. Not painted with the crimson spots of blood. Shak. Cuckoo buds of yellow hue Do paint the meadows with delight. Shak.

3. To form in colors a figure or likeness of on a flat surface, as upon canvas; to represent by means of colors or hues; to exhibit in a tinted image; to portray with paints; as, to paint a portrait or a landscape.

4. Fig.: To represent or exhibit to the mind; to describe vividly; to delineate; to image; to depict. Disloyal The word is too good to paint out her wickedness. Shak. If folly grow romantic, I must paint it. Pope.


– To color; picture; depict; portray; delineate; sketch; draw; describe.

Paint, v. t.

1. To practice the art of painting; as, the artist paints well.

2. To color one's face by way of beautifying it. Let her paint an inch thick. Shak.

Paint, n.

1. (a) A pigment or coloring substance. (b) The same prepared with a vehicle, as oil, water with gum, or the like, for application to a surface.

2. A cosmetic; rouge. Praed.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

4 July 2024


(noun) a diuretic (trade names Hygroton and Thalidone) used to control hypertension and conditions that cause edema; effective in lowering blood pressure to prevent heart attacks

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