

plural of notable


• bean slot, neoblast, stonable

Source: Wiktionary


Not"a*ble, a. Etym: [F. notable, L. notabilis, fr. notare to mark, nota mark, note. See 5th Note.]

1. Capable of being noted; noticeable; plan; evident.

2. Worthy of notice; remarkable; memorable; noted or distinguished; as, a notable event, person.

Note: Notable in the sense of careful, thrifty, characterized by thrift and capacity (as, a notable housekeeper) is pronounced by many good orthoëpists, nôt"a*b'l, the derivatives notableness, and notably, being also similarly pronounced with short o in the first syllable.

3. Well-known; notorious. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Not"a*ble, n.

1. A person, or thing, of distinction.

2. (French Hist.)

Definition: One of a number of persons, before the revolution of 1789, chiefly of the higher orders, appointed by the king to constitute a representative body.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

7 May 2024


(noun) bellflower of Europe and Asia and North Africa having bluish flowers and an edible tuberous root used with the leaves in salad

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Coffee Trivia

Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world. Each year Brazil exports more than 44 million bags of coffee. Vietnam follows at exporting over 27 million bags each year.

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