

plural of maxilla

Source: Wiktionary


Max*il"la, n.; pl. Maxillæ. Etym: [L., dim. of mala jaw, jawbone.]

1. (Anat.) (a) The bone of either the upper or the under jaw. (b) The bone, or principal bone, of the upper jaw, the bone of the lower jaw being the mandible. [Now commonly used in this restricted sense.]

2. (Zoöl.)

Definition: One of the lower or outer jaws of arthropods.

Note: There are usually two pairs in Crustacea and one pair in insects. In certain insects they are not used as jaws, but may form suctorial organs. See Illust. under Lepidoptera, and Diptera.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

26 June 2024


(verb) include or contain; have as a component; “A totally new idea is comprised in this paper”; “The record contains many old songs from the 1930’s”

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Coffee Trivia

Raw coffee beans, soaked in water and spices, are chewed like candy in many parts of Africa.

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