
(adjective) a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by ‘as’ or ‘too’ or ‘so’ or ‘that’; amounting to a large but indefinite number; “many temptations”; “the temptations are many”; “a good many”; “a great many”; “many directions”; “take as many apples as you like”; “too many clouds to see”; “never saw so many people”

Source: WordNet® 3.1

Proper noun


A town, the parish seat of Sabine Parish parish, Louisiana, United States. Named after a Colonel Many.


• MYAN, Myan., myna




An indefinite large number of.

(in combinations such as 'as many', 'so many', 'this many') Used to indicate, demonstrate or compare the number of people or things.

Usage notes

Many is used only with the plural of countable nouns (except in the combination many a). Its counterpart used with uncountable nouns is much. Many and much merge in the comparative and superlative forms, which are more and most for both determiners.

• It was once common to use the indefinite article with many (very a many years ago), as it still is with few (a few good men). However, this has fallen out of favor except in formations such as "a great/good many."


• a lot of


• few



An indefinite large number of people or things.


• few


many (plural (rare) manies)

A multitude; a great aggregate; a mass of people; the generality; the common herd.

A considerable number.


• (multitude): crowd, mob; see also commonalty

• (considerable number): abundance, buttload, deal; see also lot


many (comparative more, )

A large number of; numerous.


• multiple, several; see also manifold


• MYAN, Myan., myna

Source: Wiktionary

Ma"ny, n. Etym: [See Meine, Mansion.]

Definition: A retinue of servants; a household. [Obs.] Chaucer.

Ma"ny, a. or pron.

Note: [It has no variation to express degrees of comparison; more and most, which are used for the comparative and superlative degrees, are from a different root.] Etym: [OE. mani, moni, AS. manig, mænig, monig; akin to D. menig, OS. & OHG. manag, G. manch, Dan. mange, Sw. månge, Goth. manags, OSlav. mnog', Russ. mnogii; cf. Icel. margr, Prov. E. mort. sq. root103.]

Definition: Consisting of a great number; numerous; not few. Thou shalt be a father of many nations. Gen. xvii. 4. Not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. 1 Cor. i. 26.

Note: Many is freely prefixed to participles, forming compounds which need no special explanation; as, many-angled, many-celled, many-eyed, many-footed, many-handed, many-leaved, many-lettered, many-named, many-peopled, many-petaled, many-seeded, many-syllabled (polysyllabic), many-tongued, many-voiced, many-wived, and the like. Comparison is often expressed by many with as or so. "As many as were willing hearted . . . brought bracelets." Exod. xxxv. 22. "So many laws argue so many sins." Milton. Many stands with a singular substantive with a or an. Many a, a large number taken distributively; each one of many. "For thy sake have I shed many a tear." Shak. "Full many a gem of purest ray serene." Gray.

– Many one, many a one; many persons. BK. of Com. Prayer.

– The many, the majority; -- opposed to the few. See Many, n.

– Too many, too numerous; hence, too powerful; as, they are too many for us. L'Estrange.


– Numerous; multiplied; frequent; manifold; various; divers; sundry.

Ma"ny, n. Etym: [AS. menigeo, menigo, menio, multitude; akin to G. menge, OHG. managi, menigi, Goth. managei. See Many, a.]

1. The populace; the common people; the majority of people, or of a community. After him the rascal many ran. Spenser.

2. A large or considerable number. A many of our bodies shall no doubt Find native graves. Shak. Seeing a great many in rich gowns. Addison. It will be concluded by manythat he lived like an honest man. Fielding.

Note: In this sense, many is connected immediately with another substantive (without of) to show of what the many consists; as, a good many [of] people think so. He is liable to a great many inconveniences. Tillotson.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

27 July 2024


(adjective) ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance; “was boorish and insensitive”; “the loutish manners of a bully”; “her stupid oafish husband”; “aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude”

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