malleus, hammer

(noun) the ossicle attached to the eardrum

Source: WordNet® 3.1



plural of malleus


• maille

Source: Wiktionary


Mal"le*us, n.; pl. Mallei. Etym: [L., hammer. See Mall a beetle.]

1. (Anat.)

Definition: The outermost of the three small auditory bones, ossicles; the hammer. It is attached to the tympanic membrane by a long process, the handle or manubrium. See Illust. of Far.

2. (Zoöl.)

Definition: One of the hard lateral pieces of the mastax of Rotifera. See Mastax.

3. (Zoöl.)

Definition: A genus of bivalve shells; the hammer shell.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

20 June 2024


(adverb) not to a significant degree or amount; “our budget will only be insignificantly affected by these new cuts”

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Coffee Trivia

The average annual yield from one coffee tree is the equivalent of 1 to 1 1/2 pounds of roasted coffee. It takes about 4,000 hand-picked green coffee beans to make a pound of coffee.

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