

jansky (plural janskys or janskies)

A non-SI unit (symbol Jy) measuring electromagnetic flux density equal to 10-26 watts per square meter per hertz.

Proper noun

Jansky (plural Janskys)

A surname.


• According to the 2010 United States Census, Jansky is the 23785th most common surname in the United States, belonging to 1063 individuals. Jansky is most common among White (94.92%) individuals.

Source: Wiktionary


Word of the Day

18 June 2024


(noun) an extended (often showy) succession of persons or things; “a parade of strollers on the mall”; “a parade of witnesses”

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Coffee Trivia

The Boston Tea Party helped popularize coffee in America. The hefty tea tax imposed on the colonies in 1773 resulted in America switching from tea to coffee. In the lead up to the Revolutionary War, it became patriotic to sip java instead of tea. The Civil War made the drink more pervasive. Coffee helped energize tired troops, and drinking it became an expression of freedom.

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