

plural of immortal


• mailstorm, mortalism

Source: Wiktionary


Im*mor"tal, a. Etym: [L. immortalis; pref. im- not + mortalis mortal: cf. F. immortel. See Mortal, and cf. Immortelle.]

1. Not mortal; exempt from liability to die; undying; imperishable; lasting forever; having unlimited, or eternal, existance. Unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible. 1 Tim. i. 17. For my soul, what can it do to that, Being a thing immortal as itself Shak.

2. Connected with, or pertaining to immortability. I have immortal longings in me. Shak.

3. Destined to live in all ages of this world; abiding; exempt from oblivion; imperishable; as, immortal fame. One of the few, immortal names, That were not born yo die. Halleck.

4. Great; excessive; grievous. [Obs.] Hayward. Immortal flowers, imortelles; everlastings.


– Eternal; everlasting; never-ending; ceaseless; perpetual; continual; enduring; endless; imperishable; incorruptible; deathless; undying.

Im*mor"tal, n.

Definition: One who will never cease to be; one exempt from death, decay, or annihilation. Bunyan.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

6 October 2024


(adjective) of such great duration as to preclude the possibility of being assigned a date; “dateless customs”

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