

plural of hydatid

Source: Wiktionary


Hy"da*tid, n. Etym: [Gr. "y`dwr, "y`datos, water: cf. F. hydatide.] (Zoöl.)

Definition: A membranous sac or bladder filled with a pellucid fluid, found in various parts of the bodies of animals, but unconnected with the tissues. It is usually formed by parasitic worms, esp. by larval tapeworms, as Echinococcus and Coenurus. See these words in the Vocabulary. Hydatid of Morgagni (Anat.), one of the small pedunculated bodies found between the testicle and the head of the epididymis, and supposed to be a remnant of the MĂĽllerian duct.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

21 May 2024


(verb) tamper, with the purpose of deception; “Fudge the figures”; “cook the books”; “falsify the data”

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Coffee Trivia

An article published in Harvard Men’s Health Watch in 2012 shows heavy coffee drinkers live longer. The researchers examined data from 400,000 people and found out that men who drank six or more coffee cups per day had a 10% lower death rate.

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