
hotchpot (plural hotchpots)

Alternative form of hotchpotch

(civil law, inheritance) The blending together of property so as to achieve equal division, mainly in the case of inheritance.

Synonym: collation

Source: Wiktionary

Hotch"pot`, Hotch"potch`, n. Etym: [F. hochepot, fr. hocher to shake + pot pot; both of Dutch or German origin; cf. OD. hutspot hotchpotch, D. hotsen, hutsen, to shake. See Hustle, and Pot, and cf. Hodgepodge.]

1. A mingled mass; a confused mixture; a stew of various ingredients; a hodgepodge. A mixture or hotchpotch of many tastes. Bacon.

2. (Law)

Definition: A blending of property for equality of division, as when lands given in frank-marriage to one daughter were, after the death of the ancestor, blended with the lands descending to her and to her sisters from the same ancestor, and then divided in equal portions among all the daughters. In modern usage, a mixing together, or throwing into a common mass or stock, of the estate left by a person deceased and the amounts advanced to any particular child or children, for the purpose of a more equal division, or of equalizing the shares of all the children; the property advanced being accounted for at its value when given. Bouvier. Tomlins.

Note: This term has been applied in cases of salvage. Story. It corresponds in a measure with collation in the civil and Scotch law. See Collation. Bouvier. Tomlins.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

1 July 2024


(verb) cause someone or something to move by driving; “She drove me to school every day”; “We drove the car to the garage”

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Coffee Trivia

The first coffee-house in Mecca dates back to the 1510s. The beverage was in Turkey by the 1530s. It appeared in Europe circa 1515-1519 and was introduced to England by 1650. By 1675 the country had more than 3,000 coffee houses, and coffee had replaced beer as a breakfast drink.

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