

plural of grotto

Source: Wiktionary


Grot"to, n.; pl. Grottoes. Etym: [Formerly grotta, fr. It. grotta, LL. grupta, fr. L. crypta a con cealed subterranran passage vault, cavern, Gr. Grot, Crypt.]

Definition: A natural covered opening in the earth; a cave; also, an artificial recess, cave, or cavernlike apartment.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

10 May 2024


(verb) pretend to be someone or something that you are not; “he is masquerading as an expert on the internet”; “This silly novel is masquerading as a serious historical treaty”

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Coffee Trivia

Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world. Each year Brazil exports more than 44 million bags of coffee. Vietnam follows at exporting over 27 million bags each year.

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