wrestling, rassling, grappling

(noun) the sport of hand-to-hand struggle between unarmed contestants who try to throw each other down

wrestle, wrestling, grapple, grappling, hand-to-hand struggle

(noun) the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat; “they had a fierce wrestle”; “we watched his grappling and wrestling with the bully”

Source: WordNet® 3.1


grappling (plural grapplings)

(gerund of grapple) An act in which something is grappled or grappled with.

A grappling hook or grappling iron.

A small anchor; a grapnel.


• handygripes (obsolete)



present participle of grapple

Source: Wiktionary

Grap"pling, n.

1. A laying fast ho1d of; also, that by which anything is seized and held, a grapnel.

2. A grapple; a struggle. A match for yards in fight, in grappling for the bear. Dryden. Grappling iron, a hooked iron used for grappling and holding fast a vessel or other object.

– Grappling tongs, broad-mouthed tongs for gathering oysters.


Grap"ple, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Grappled; p. pr. & vb. n. Grappling.] Etym: [F. grappiller, OF. graypil the grapple of a ship, fr. graper to pluck, prop., to seize, clutch; of German origin. See Grape.]

1. To seize; to lay fast hold of; to attack at close quarters: as, to grapple an antagonist.

2. To fasten, as with a grapple; to fix; to join indissolubly. The gallies were grappled to the Centurion. Hakluyt. Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel. Shak.

Grap"ple, v. i.

Definition: To use a grapple; to contend in close fight; to attach one's self as if by a grapple, as in wrestling; to close; to seize one another. To grapple with, to enter into contest with, resolutely and courageously. And in my standard bear the arms of York, To grapple with the house of Lancaster. Shak.

Grap"ple, n. Etym: [See Grapple, v. t., and cf. Crapple.]

1. A seizing or seizure; close hug in contest; the wrestler's hold. Milton.

2. (a) An instrument, usually with hinged claws, for seizing and holding fast to an object; a grab. (b) (Naut.)

Definition: A grappling iron. The iron hooks and grapples keen. Spenser. Grapple plant (Bot.), a South African herb (Herpagophytum leptocarpum) having the woody fruits armed with long hooked or barbed thorns by which they adhere to cattle, causing intense annoyance.

– Grapple shot (Life-saving Service), a projectile, to which are attached hinged claws to catch in a ship's rigging or to hold in the ground; -- called also anchor shot.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

11 October 2024


(noun) an annual publication containing astronomical tables that give the positions of the celestial bodies throughout the year; “today computers calculate the ephemerides”

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Coffee Trivia

The world’s most expensive coffee costs more than US$700 per kilogram. Asian palm civet – a cat-like creature in Indonesia, eats fruits, including select coffee cherries. It excretes partially digested seeds that produce a smooth, less acidic brew of coffee called kopi luwak.

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