

simple past tense and past participle of glimpse

Source: Wiktionary


Glimpse, n. Etym: [For glimse, from the root of glimmer.]

1. A sudden flash; transient luster. LIght as the lightning glimpse they ran. Milton.

2. A short, hurried view; a transitory or fragmentary perception; a quick sight. Here hid by shrub wood, there by glimpses seen. S. Rogers.

3. A faint idea; an inkling.

Glimpse, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Glimpsed; p. pr. & vb. n. Glimpsing.]

Definition: to appear by glimpses; to catch glimpses. Drayton.

Glimpse, v. t.

Definition: To catch a glimpse of; to see by glimpses; to have a short or hurried view of. Some glimpsing and no perfect sight. Chaucer.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

1 July 2024


(verb) cause someone or something to move by driving; “She drove me to school every day”; “We drove the car to the garage”

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