

simple past tense and past participle of froth

Source: Wiktionary


Froth, n. Etym: [OE. frothe, Icel. frotha; akin to Dan. fraade, Sw. fradga, AS. afreothan to froth.]

1. The bubbles caused in fluids or liquors by fermentation or agitation; spume; foam; esp., a spume of saliva caused by disease or nervous excitement.

2. Any empty, senseless show of wit or eloquence; rhetoric without thought. Johnson. It was a long speech, but all froth. L'Estrange.

3. Light, unsubstantial matter. Tusser. Froth insect (Zoöl.), the cuckoo spit or frog hopper; -- called also froth spit, froth worm, and froth fly.

– Froth spit. See Cuckoo spit, under Cuckoo.

Froth, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Frothed; p. pr. & vb. n.. Frothing.]

1. To cause to foam.

2. To spit, vent, or eject, as froth. He . . . froths treason at his mouth. Dryden. Is your spleen frothed out, or have ye more Tennyson.

3. To cover with froth; as, a horse froths his chain.

Froth, v. i.

Definition: To throw up or out spume, foam, or bubbles; to foam; as beer froths; a horse froths.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

25 September 2024


(adjective) shaped or conditioned or disciplined by training; often used as a combining form; “a trained mind”; “trained pigeons”; “well-trained servants”

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Coffee Trivia

According to Guinness World Records, the largest coffee shop is the Al Masaa Café, which has 1,050 seats. The coffee shop was inaugurated in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on 13 August 2014.

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