formality, formalities

(noun) a requirement of etiquette or custom; “a mere formality”

Source: WordNet® 3.1



plural of formality

Source: Wiktionary


For*mal"i*ty, n.; pl. Formalities. Etym: [Cf. F. formalité.]

1. The condition or quality of being formal, strictly ceremonious, precise, etc.

2. Form without substance. Such [books] as are mere pieces of formality, so that if you look on them, you look though them. Fuller.

3. Compliance with formal or conventional rules; ceremony; conventionality. Nor was his attendance on divine offices a matter of formality and custom, but of conscience. Atterbury.

4. An established order; conventional rule of procedure; usual method; habitual mode. He was installed with all the usual formalities. C. Middleton.

5. pl.

Definition: The dress prescribed for any body of men, academical, municipal, or sacerdotal. [Obs.] The doctors attending her in their formalities as far as Shotover. Fuller.

6. That which is formal; the formal part. It unties the inward knot of marriage, . . . while it aims to keep fast the outward formality. Milton.

7. The quality which makes a thing what it is; essence. The material part of the evil came from our father upon us, but the formality of it, the sting and the curse, is only by ourselves. Jer. Taylor. The formality of the vow lies in the promise made to God. Bp. Stillingfleet.

8. (Scholastic. Philos.)

Definition: The manner in which a thing is conceived or constituted by an act of human thinking; the result of such an act; as, animality and rationality are formalities.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

19 October 2024


(noun) any of a group of herpes viruses that enlarge epithelial cells and can cause birth defects; can affect humans with impaired immunological systems

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Coffee Trivia

Espresso is both a coffee beverage and a brewing method that originated in Italy. When making an espresso, a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure forces through finely-ground coffee beans. It has more caffeine per unit volume than most coffee beverages. Its smaller serving size will take three shots to equal a mug of standard brewed coffee.

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