baleful, forbidding, menacing, minacious, minatory, ominous, sinister, threatening

(adjective) threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments; “a baleful look”; “forbidding thunderclouds”; “his tone became menacing”; “ominous rumblings of discontent”; “sinister storm clouds”; “a sinister smile”; “his threatening behavior”; “ugly black clouds”; “the situation became ugly”

dour, forbidding, grim

(adjective) harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance; “a dour, self-sacrificing life”; “a forbidding scowl”; “a grim man loving duty more than humanity”; “undoubtedly the grimmest part of him was his iron claw”- J.M.Barrie

ban, banning, forbiddance, forbidding

(noun) an official prohibition or edict against something


forbid, prohibit, interdict, proscribe, veto, disallow, nix

(verb) command against; “I forbid you to call me late at night”; “Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store”; “Dad nixed our plans”

prevent, forestall, foreclose, preclude, forbid

(verb) keep from happening or arising; make impossible; “My sense of tact forbids an honest answer”; “Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project”

Source: WordNet® 3.1


forbidding (comparative more forbidding, superlative most forbidding)

Appearing to be threatening, unfriendly or potentially unpleasant.


• approachable

• inviting

• welcoming



present participle of forbid


forbidding (plural forbiddings)

The act by which something is forbidden; a prohibition.

Source: Wiktionary

For*bid"ding, a.

Definition: Repelling approach; repulsive; raising abhorrence, aversion, or dislike; disagreeable; prohibiting or interdicting; as, a forbidding aspect; a forbidding formality; a forbidding air.


– Disagreeable; unpleasant; displeasing; offensive; repulsive; odious; abhorrent.

– For*bid"ding*ly, adv.

– For*bid"ding*ness, n.


For*bid", v. t. [imp. Forbade; p. p. Forbidden (Forbid, [Obs.]); p. pr. & vb. n. Forbidding.] Etym: [OE. forbeden, AS. forbeódan; pref. for- + beódan to bid; akin to D. verbieden, G. verbieten, Icel., fyrirbjoedha, forboedha, Sw. förbjuda, Dan. forbyde. See Bid, v. t.]

1. To command against, or contrary to; to prohibit; to interdict. More than I have said . . . The leisure and enforcement of the time Forbids to dwell upon. Shak.

2. To deny, exclude from, or warn off, by express command; to command not to enter. Have I not forbid her my house Shak.

3. To oppose, hinder, or prevent, as if by an effectual command; as, an impassable river forbids the approach of the army. A blaze of glory that forbids the sight. Dryden.

4. To accurse; to blast. [Obs.] He shall live a man forbid. Shak.

5. To defy; to challenge. [Obs.] L. Andrews.


– To prohibit; interdict; hinder; preclude; withold; restrain; prevent. See Prohibit.

For*bid", v. i.

Definition: To utter a prohibition; to prevent; to hinder. "I did not or forbid." Milton.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

16 September 2024


(noun) accommodation to domestic life; “her explorer husband resisted all her attempts at domestication”

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Coffee Trivia

According to Guinness World Records, on 25 September 2016, the Birla Institute of Management Technology (India) in Uttar Pradesh, India, constructed the largest coffee cups pyramid consisting of 23,821 cups. They used paper takeaway coffee cups to build the pyramid.

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