
(noun) touching something with the fingers


(noun) the placement of the fingers for playing different notes (or sequences of notes) on a musical instrument

Source: WordNet® 3.1


fingering (plural fingerings)

(music, uncountable) The act of using one's fingers in the playing of a musical instrument.

(music, countable) A specific method of using the fingers to play an instrument.

(uncountable) The act of using the fingers to penetrate and sexually stimulate one's own or another person's vagina or anus.

A thick woollen yarn for stockings.



present participle of finger

Source: Wiktionary

Fin"ger*ing, n.

1. The act or process of handling or touching with the fingers. The mere sight and fingering of money. Grew.

2. The manner of using the fingers in playing or striking the keys of an instrument of music; movement or management of the fingers in playing on a musical instrument, in typewriting, etc.

3. The marking of the notes of a piece of music to guide or regulate the action or use of the fingers.

4. Delicate work made with the fingers. Spenser.


Fin"ger, n. Etym: [AS. finger; akin to D. vinger, OS. & OHG. fingar, G. finger, Icel. fingr, Sw. & Dan. finger, Goth. figgrs; of unknown origin; perh. akin to E. fang.]

1. One of the five terminating members of the hand; a digit; esp., one of the four extermities of the hand, other than the thumb.

2. Anything that does work of a finger; as, the pointer of a clock, watch, or other registering machine; especially (Mech.) a small projecting rod, wire, or piece, which is brought into contact with an object to effect, direct, or restrain a motion.

3. The breadth of a finger, or the fourth part of the hand; a measure of nearly an inch; also, the length of finger, a measure in domestic use in the United States, of about four and a half inches or one eighth of a yard. A piece of steel three fingers thick. Bp. Wilkins.

4. Skill in the use of the fingers, as in playing upon a musical instrument. [R.] She has a good finger. Busby. Ear finger, the little finger.

– Finger alphabet. See Dactylology.

– Finger bar, the horizontal bar, carrying slotted spikes, or fingers, through which the vibratory knives of mowing and reaping machines play.

– Finger board (Mus.), the part of a stringed instrument against which the fingers press the strings to vary the tone; the keyboard of a piano, organ, etc.; manual.

– Finger bowl or glass, a bowl or glass to hold water for rinsing the fingers at table.

– Finger flower (Bot.), the foxglove.

– Finger grass (Bot.), a kind of grass (Panicum sanguinale) with slender radiating spikes; common crab grass. See Crab grass, under Crab.

– Finger nut, a fly nut or thumb nut.

– Finger plate, a strip of metal, glass, etc., to protect a painted or polished door from finger marks.

– Finger post, a guide post bearing an index finger.

– Finger reading, reading printed in relief so as to be sensible to the touch; -- so made for the blind.

– Finger shell (Zoöl.), a marine shell (Pholas dactylus) resembling a finger in form.

– Finger sponge (Zoöl.), a sponge having finger-shaped lobes, or branches.

– Finger stall, a cover or shield for a finger.

– Finger steel, a steel instrument for whetting a currier's knife. To burn one's fingers. See under Burn.

– To have a finger in, to be concerned in. [Colloq.] -- To have at one's fingers' ends, to be thoroughly familiar with. [Colloq.]

Fin"ger, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Fingered; p. pr. & vb. n. Fingering.]

1. To touch with the fingers; to handle; to meddle with. Let the papers lie; You would be fingering them to anger me. Shak.

2. To touch lightly; to toy with.

3. (Mus.) (a) To perform on an instrument of music. (b) To mark the notes of (a piece of music) so as to guide the fingers in playing.

4. To take thievishly; to pilfer; to purloin. Shak.

5. To execute, as any delicate work.

Fin"ger, v. i. (Mus.)

Definition: To use the fingers in playing on an instrument. Busby.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

22 October 2024


(adjective) lacking eyes or eyelike features; “eyeless fish that evolved in dark caves”; “an eyeless needle”

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Coffee Trivia

There are more than 50 countries that export coffee. They are near the equator, where the climate is conducive to producing coffee beans.

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