
(verb) surgically remove (an organ)

uproot, extirpate, deracinate, root out

(verb) pull up by or as if by the roots; “uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden”

uproot, eradicate, extirpate, root out, exterminate

(verb) destroy completely, as if down to the roots; “the vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted”; “root out corruption”

Source: WordNet® 3.1



extirpate (third-person singular simple present extirpates, present participle extirpating, simple past and past participle extirpated)

(transitive, obsolete) To clear an area of roots and stumps.

(transitive) To pull up by the roots; uproot.

Synonyms: uproot, eradicate, extricate, deracinate

(transitive) To destroy completely; to annihilate.

Synonyms: annihilate, destroy, eradicate, exterminate, Thesaurus:destroy

(transitive) To surgically remove.

Synonym: excise

Source: Wiktionary

Ex"tir*pate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Extirpated(); p. pr. & vb. n. Extirpating().] Etym: [L. extirpatus, exstirpatus, p. p. of extirpare, exstirpare; ex out + strips stock, stem, root.]

Definition: To pluck up by the stem or root; to root out; to eradicate, literally or figuratively; to destroy wholly; as, to extirpate weeds; to extirpate a tumor; to extirpate a sect; to extirpate error or heresy.


– To eradicate; root out; destroy; exterminate; annihilate; extinguish.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

4 July 2024


(noun) a diuretic (trade names Hygroton and Thalidone) used to control hypertension and conditions that cause edema; effective in lowering blood pressure to prevent heart attacks

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Coffee Trivia

“Coffee, the favorite drink of the civilized world.” – Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States

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