
(adverb) in an explicit manner; “in his foreword Professor Clark puts it explicitly”

Source: WordNet® 3.1



explicitly (comparative more explicitly, superlative most explicitly)

In an explicit manner.


• expressly, unambiguously; see also explicitly


• implicitly

Source: Wiktionary

Ex*plic"it*ly, adv.

Definition: In an explicit manner; clearly; plainly; without disguise or reservation of meaning; not by inference or implication; as, he explicitly avows his intention.


Ex"pli*cit. Etym: [LL., an abbreviation of explicitus (est liber) the book (which anciently was a roll of parchment) is unfolded (and, of course, "finished"). See Explicit, a.]

Definition: A word formerly used (as finis is now) at the conclusion of a book to indicate the end.

Ex*plic"it, a. Etym: [L. explicitus; p.p. of explicare to unfold: cf. F. explicite. See Explicate, Exploit.]

1. Not implied merely, or conveyed by implication; distinctly stated; plain in language; open to the understanding; clear; not obscure or ambiguous; express; unequivocal; as, an explicit declaration. The language of the charter was too explicit to admit of a doubt. Bancroft.

2. Having no disguised meaning or reservation; unreserved; outspoken;

– applied to persons; as, he was earnest and explicit in his statement. Explicit function. (Math.) See under Function.


– Express; clear; plain; open; unreserved; unambiguous.

– Explicit, Express. Explicit denotes a setting forth in the plainest, language, so that the meaning can not be misunderstood; as, an explicit promise. Express is stronger than explicit: it adds force to clearness. An express promise or engagement is not only unambiguous, but stands out in bold relief, with the most binding hold on the conscience. An explicit statement; a clear and explicit notion; explicit direction; no words can be more explicit. An explicit command; an express prohibition. "An express declaration goes forcibly and directly to the point. An explicit declaration leaves nothing ambiguous." C. J. Smith.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

1 October 2024


(noun) a high-crowned black cap (usually made of felt or sheepskin) worn by men in Turkey and Iran and the Caucasus

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Coffee Trivia

Coffee has initially been a food – chewed, not sipped. Early African tribes consume coffee by grinding the berries together, adding some animal fat, and rolling the treats into tiny edible energy balls.

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