

present participle of exorcise

Source: Wiktionary


Ex"or*cise, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Exorcised ; p. pr. & vb. n. Exorcising .] Etym: [L. exorcizare, Gr. exorciser.]

1. To cast out, as a devil, evil spirits, etc., by conjuration or summoning by a holy name, or by certain ceremonies; to expel (a demon) or to conjure (a demon) to depart out of a person possessed by one. He impudently excorciseth devils in the church. Prynne.

2. To deliver or purify from the influence of an evil spirit or demon. Exorcise the beds and cross the walls. Dryden. Mr. Spectator . . . do all you can to exorcise crowds who are . . . processed as I am. Spectator.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

18 September 2024


(noun) a jet engine in which a fan driven by a turbine provides extra air to the burner and gives extra thrust

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Coffee Trivia

Some 16th-century Italian clergymen tried to ban coffee because they believed it to be “satanic.” However, Pope Clement VII loved coffee so much that he lifted the ban and had coffee baptized in 1600.

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