exogenous, exogenic

(adjective) derived or originating externally

Source: WordNet® 3.1



exogenous (not comparable)

Having an external cause.

(biology) Produced or originating outside of an organism.

(biology) Growing as an exogen, by successive additions to the outside.

(medicine, of a disease) Having a cause external to the infected organism.

(economics, of a model) Being or relating to a change that comes from outside the model and is not explained by the model.

(database, of a key) A key that has no meaning such as an automatically generated ID number, usually accompanied by a name or title which DOES have meaning.


• exogenetic


• endogenous

Source: Wiktionary

Ex*og"e*nous, a.

1. (Bot.)

Definition: Pertaining to, or having the character of, an exogen; -- the opposite of endogenous.

2. (Biol.)

Definition: Growing by addition to the exterior.

3. (Anat.)

Definition: Growing from previously ossified parts; -- opposed to autogenous. Owen. Exogenous aneurism (Med.), an aneurism which is produced by causes acting from without, as from injury.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

2 July 2024


(verb) move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point; “Blood circulates in my veins”; “The air here does not circulate”

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