

simple past tense and past participle of exit

Source: Wiktionary


Ex"it. Etym: [L., 3d pers. sing. pres. of exire to go out. See Exeunt, Issue.]

Definition: He (or she ) goes out, or retires from view; as, exit Macbeth.

Note: The Latin words exit (he or she goes out), and exeunt ( they go out), are used in dramatic writings to indicate the time of withdrawal from the stage of one or more of the actors.

Ex"it, n. Etym: [See 1st Exit.]

1. The departure of a player from the stage, when he has performed his part. They have their exits and their entrances. Shak.

2. Any departure; the act of quitting the stage of action or of life; death; as, to make one's exit. Sighs for his exit, vulgarly called death. Cowper.

3. A way of departure; passage out of a place; egress; way out. Forcing he water forth thought its ordinary exists. Woodward.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


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18 June 2024


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