

plural of dropper

Source: Wiktionary


Drop"per, n.

1. One who, or that which, drops. Specif.: (Fishing) A fly that drops from the leaden above the bob or end fly.

2. A dropping tube.

3. (Mining)

Definition: A branch vein which drops off from, or leaves, the main lode.

4. (Zoöl.)

Definition: A dog which suddenly drops upon the ground when it sights game,

– formerly a common, and still an occasional, habit of the setter.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

7 May 2024


(noun) bellflower of Europe and Asia and North Africa having bluish flowers and an edible tuberous root used with the leaves in salad

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Coffee Trivia

The New York Stock Exchange started out as a coffee house.

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