excavation, digging, dig

(noun) the act of digging; “there’s an interesting excavation going on near Princeton”


grok, get the picture, comprehend, savvy, dig, grasp, compass, apprehend

(verb) get the meaning of something; “Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?”

jab, prod, stab, poke, dig

(verb) poke or thrust abruptly; “he jabbed his finger into her ribs”

dig, delve, cut into, turn over

(verb) turn up, loosen, or remove earth; “Dig we must”; “turn over the soil for aeration”

excavate, dig, hollow

(verb) remove the inner part or the core of; “the mining company wants to excavate the hillside”

dig, dig out

(verb) create by digging; “dig a hole”; “dig out a channel”


(verb) thrust down or into; “dig the oars into the water”; “dig your foot into the floor”

dig, dig up, dig out

(verb) remove, harvest, or recover by digging; “dig salt”; “dig coal”

labor, labour, toil, fag, travail, grind, drudge, dig, moil

(verb) work hard; “She was digging away at her math homework”; “Lexicographers drudge all day long”

Source: WordNet® 3.1


digging (countable and uncountable, plural diggings)

The action performed by a person or thing that digs.

A place where ore is dug, especially certain localities in California, Australia, etc. where gold is obtained.

(archaic, colloquial) region; locality



present participle of dig

Source: Wiktionary

Dig"ging, n.

1. The act or the place of excavating.

2. pl.

Definition: Places where ore is dug; especially, certain localities in California, Australia, and elsewhere, at which gold is obtained. [Recent]

3. pl.

Definition: Region; locality. [Low]


Dig, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dug or Digged (; p. pr. & vb. n. Digging.

– Digged is archaic.] Etym: [OE. diggen, perh. the same word as diken, dichen (see Dike, Ditch); cf. Dan. dige to dig, dige a ditch; or akin to E. 1st dag.

1. To turn up, or delve in, (earth) with a spade or a hoe; to open, loosen, or break up (the soil) with a spade, or other sharp instrument; to pierce, open, or loosen, as if with a spade. Be first to dig the ground. Dryden.

2. To get by digging; as, to dig potatoes, or gold.

3. To hollow out, as a well; to form, as a ditch, by removing earth; to excavate; as, to dig a ditch or a well.

4. To thrust; to poke. [Colloq.] You should have seen children . . . dig and push their mothers under the sides, saying thus to them: Look, mother, how great a lubber doth yet wear pearls. Robynson (More's Utopia). To dig down, to undermine and cause to fall by digging; as, to dig down a wall.

– To dig from, out of, out, or up, to get out or obtain by digging; as, to dig coal from or out of a mine; to dig out fossils; to dig up a tree. The preposition is often omitted; as, the men are digging coal, digging iron ore, digging potatoes.

– To dig in, to cover by digging; as, to dig in manure.(b) To entrench oneself so as to give stronger resistance; -- used of warfare. Also figuratively, esp. in the phrase to dig in one's heels.

Dig, v. i.

1. To work with a spade or other like implement; to do servile work; to delve. Dig for it more than for hid treasures. Job iii. 21. I can not dig; to beg I am ashamed. Luke xvi. 3.

2. (Mining)

Definition: To take ore from its bed, in distinction from making excavations in search of ore.

3. To work like a digger; to study ploddingly and laboriously. [Cant, U.S.]

Dig, n.

1. A thrust; a punch; a poke; as, a dig in the side or the ribs. See Dig, v. t.,

4. [Colloq.]

2. A plodding and laborious student. [Cant, U.S.]

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

26 June 2024


(verb) include or contain; have as a component; “A totally new idea is comprised in this paper”; “The record contains many old songs from the 1930’s”

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