

coolingly (comparative more coolingly, superlative most coolingly)

So as to grow cooler; losing warmth.


• clinology

Source: Wiktionary


Cool"ing, p.a.

Definition: Adapted to cool and refresh; allaying heat. "The cooling brook." Goldsmith. Cooling card, something that dashes hopes. [Obs.]

– Cooling time (Law), such a lapse of time as ought, taking all the circumstances of the case in view, to produce a subsiding of passion previously provoked. Wharton.


Cool, a. [Compar. Cooler; superl. Coolest.] Etym: [AS. col; akin to D. koel, G. kühl, OHG. chouli, Dan. kölig, Sw. kylig, also to AS. calan to be cold, Icel. kala. See Cold, and cf. Chill.]

1. Moderately cold; between warm and cold; lacking in warmth; producing or promoting coolness. Fanned with cool winds. Milton.

2. Not ardent, warm, fond, or passionate; not hasty; deliberate; exercising self-control; self-possessed; dispassionate; indifferent; as, a cool lover; a cool debater. For a patriot, too cool. Goldsmith.

3. Not retaining heat; light; as, a cool dress.

4. Manifesting coldness or dislike; chilling; apathetic; as, a cool manner.

5. Quietly impudent; negligent of propriety in matters of minor importance, either ignorantly or willfully; presuming and selfish; audacious; as, cool behavior. Its cool stare of familiarity was intolerable. Hawthorne.

6. Applied facetiously, in a vague sense, to a sum of money, commonly as if to give emphasis to the largeness of the amount. He had lost a cool hundred. Fielding. Leaving a cool thousand to Mr.Matthew Pocket. Dickens.


– Calm; dispassionate; self-possessed; composed; repulsive; frigid; alienated; impudent.

Cool, n.

Definition: A moderate state of cold; coolness; -- said of the temperature of the air between hot and cold; as, the cool of the day; the cool of the morning or evening.

Cool, v. t. [imp. & p.p. Cooled; & vb.n. Cooling.]

1. To make cool or cold; to reduce the temperature of; as, ice cools water. Send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue. Luke xvi. 24.

2. To moderate the heat or excitement of; to allay, as passion of any kind; to calm; to moderate. We have reason to cool our raging motions, our carnal stings, our unbitted lusts. Shak. To cool the heels, to dance attendance; to wait, as for admission to a patron's house. [Colloq.] Dryden.

Cool, v. i.

1. To become less hot; to lose heat. I saw a smith stand with his hammer, thus, the whilst his iron did on the anvil cool. Shak.

2. To lose the heat of excitement or passion; to become more moderate. I will not give myself liberty to think, lest I should cool. Congreve.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

22 September 2024


(noun) a beginning from which an enterprise is launched; “he uses other people’s ideas as a springboard for his own”; “reality provides the jumping-off point for his illusions”; “the point of departure of international comparison cannot be an institution but must be the function it carries out”

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Coffee Trivia

There are four varieties of commercially viable coffee: Arabica, Liberica, Excelsa, and Robusta. Growers predominantly plant the Arabica species. Although less popular, Robusta tastes slightly more bitter and contains more caffeine.

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