

plural of conglomerate

Source: Wiktionary


Con*glom"er*ate, a. Etym: [L. conglomeratus, p.p. of conglomerare to roll together; con- + glomerare to wind into a ball. See Glomerate.]

1. Gathered into a ball or a mass; collected together; concentrated; as, conglomerate rays of light. Beams of light when they are multiplied and conglomerate. Bacon. Fluids are separated in the liver and the other conglobate and conglomerate glands. Cheyne.

2. (Bot.)

Definition: Closely crowded together; densly clustered; as, conglomerate flowers. Gray.

3. (Geol.)

Definition: Composed of stones, pebbles, or fragments of rocks, cemented together.

Con*glom"er*ate, n.

1. That which is heaped together in a mass or conpacted from various sources; a mass formed of fragments; collection; accumulation. A conglomerate of marvelous anecdotes, marvelously heaped together. Trench.

2. (Geol.)

Definition: A rock, composed or rounded fragments of stone cemented together by another mineral substance, either calcareous, siliceous, or argillaceous; pudding stone; -- opposed to agglomerate. See Breccia. A conglomerate, therefore, is simply gravel bound together by a cement. Lyell.

Con*glom"er*ate, v. t. [imp. & p.p. Conglomerated; & vb.n. Conglomerating.]

Definition: To gather into a ball or round body; to collect into a mass.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

23 October 2024


(adjective) subject to accident or chance or change; “a chancy appeal at best”; “getting that job was definitely fluky”; “a fluky wind”; “an iffy proposition”

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