
(adjective) riding at a gait between a trot and a gallop; “the cantering soldiers”

Source: WordNet® 3.1



present participle of canter


cantering (plural canterings)

Movement at a canter.


• nectaring, recanting, trangenic

Source: Wiktionary


Can"ter, n. Etym: [An abbreviation of Caner bury. See Canterbury gallop, under Canterbury.]

1. A moderate and easy gallop adapted to pleasure riding.

Note: The canter is a thoroughly artificial pace, at first extremely tiring to the horse, and generally only to be produced in him by the restraint of a powerful bit, which compels him to throw a great part of his weight on his haunches . . . There is so great a variety in the mode adopted by different horses for performing the canter, that no single description will suffice, nor indeed is it easy . . . to define any one of them. J. H. Walsh.

2. A rapid or easy passing over. A rapid canter in the Times over all the topics. Sir J. Stephen.

Can"ter, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Cantered; p. pr. & vb. n. Cantering.]

Definition: To move in a canter.

Can"ter, v. t.

Definition: To cause, as a horse, to go at a canter; to ride (a horse) at a canter.

Cant"er, n.

1. One who cants or whines; a beggar.

2. One who makes hypocritical pretensions to goodness; one who uses canting language. The day when he was a canter and a rebel. Macaulay.


Cant, n. Etym: [OF., edge, angle, prof. from L. canthus the iron ring round a carriage wheel, a wheel, Gr. cant the stake or tire of a wheel. Cf. Canthus, Canton, Cantle.]

1. A corner; angle; niche. [Obs.] The first and principal person in the temple was Irene, or Peace; she was placed aloft in a cant. B. Jonson.

2. An outer or external angle.

3. An inclination from a horizontal or vertical line; a slope or bevel; a titl. Totten.

4. A sudden thrust, push, kick, or other impulse, producing a bias or change of direction; also, the bias or turn so give; as, to give a ball a cant.

5. (Coopering)

Definition: A segment forming a side piece in the head of a cask. Knight.

6. (Mech.)

Definition: A segment of he rim of a wooden cogwheel. Knight.

7. (Naut.)

Definition: A piece of wood laid upon athe deck of a vessel to support the bulkneads. Cant frames, Cant timbers (Naut.), timber at the two ends of a ship, rising obliquely from the keel.

Cant, v. t. [imp & p. p. Canted; p. pr. & vb. N. Canting.]

1. To incline; to set at an angle; to titl over; to tip upon the edge; as, to cant a cask; to cant a ship.

2. To give a sudden turn or new direction to; as, to cant round a stick of timber; to cant a football.

3. To cut off an angle from, as from a square piece of timber, or from the head of a bolt.

Cant, n. Etym: [Prob. from OF. cant, F. chant, singing, in allusion to the singing or whining tine of voice used by beggars, fr. L. cantus. See Chant.]

1. An affected, singsong mode of speaking.

2. The idioms and peculiarities of speech in any sect, class, or occupation. Goldsmith. The cant of any profession. Dryden.

3. The use of religious phraseology without understanding or sincerity; empty, solemn speech, implying what is not felt; hypocrisy. They shall hear no cant fromF. W. Robertson

4. Vulgar jargon; slang; the secret language spoker by gipsies, thieves. tramps, or beggars.

Cant, a.

Definition: Of the nature of cant; affected; vulgar. To introduce and multiply cant words in the most ruinous corruption in any language. Swift.

Cant, v. i.

1. To speak in a whining voice, or an affected, sinsong tone.

2. To make whining pretensions to goodness; to talk with an affectation of religion, philanthropy, etc.; to practice hypocrisy; as, a canting fanatic. The rankest rogue that ever canted. Beau. & Fl.

3. To use pretentious language, barbarous jargon, or technical termes; to talk with an affectation of learning. The doctor here, When he discqurseth of dissection, Of vena cava and of vena porta, The meseræum and the mesentericum, What does he else but cant. B. Jonson That uncouth affected garb of speech, or canting hanguage, if I may so call it. Bp. Sanderson.

Cant, n. Etym: [Prob. from OF. cant, equiv. to L. quantum; cf. F. encan, fr. L. in quantum, i.e. "for how much"]

Definition: A all for bidders at a public sale; an auction. "To sell their leases by cant." Swift.

Cant, v. t.

Definition: to sell by auction, or bid a price at a sale by auction. [Archaic] Swift.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

29 June 2024


(noun) an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name and pronounced separately; “HTML is an initialism for HyperText Markup Language”

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