

plural of candid

Source: Wiktionary


Can*did, a. Etym: [F. candide (cf. It. candido), L. candidus white, fr. candëre to be of a glowing white; akin to accend, incend, to set on fire, Skr. chand to shane. Cf. Candle, Incense.]

1. White. [Obs.] The box receives all black; but poured from thence, The stones came candid forth, the hue of innocence. Dryden.

2. Free from undue bias; disposed to think and judge according to truth and justice, or without partiality or prejudice; fair; just; impartial; as, a candid opinion. "Candid and dispassionate men." W. Irving.

3. Open; frank; ingenuous; outspoken.


– Fair; open; ingenuous; impartial; just; frank; artless; unbiased; equitable.

– Candid, Fair, Open, Frank, Ingenuous. A man is fair when he puts things on a just or equitable footing; he is candid when be looks impartially on both sides of a subject, doing justice especially to the motives and conduct of an opponent; he is open and frank when he declares his sentiments without reserve; he is ingenuous when he does this from a noble regard for truth. Fair dealing; candid investigation; an open temper; a frank disposition; an ingenuous answer or declaration.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

1 July 2024


(verb) cause someone or something to move by driving; “She drove me to school every day”; “We drove the car to the garage”

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