

plural of calvary


• cavaliers, cavalries

Source: Wiktionary


Cal"va*ry, n. Etym: [L. calvaria a bare skull, fr. calva the scalp without hair. fr. calvus bald; cf. F. calvaire.]

1. The place where Christ was crucified, on a small hill outside of Jerusalem. Luke xxiii. 33.

Note: The Latin calvaria is a translation of the Greek Golgotha. Dr. W. Smith.

2. A representation of the crucifixion, consisting of three crosses with the figures of Christ and the thieves, often as large as life, and sometimes surrounded by figures of other personages who were present at the crucifixion.

3. (Her.)

Definition: A cross, set upon three steps; -- more properly called cross calvary.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

5 July 2024


(noun) surgical procedure that creates a new fenestra to the cochlea in order to restore hearing lost because of osteosclerosis

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Coffee Trivia

Plain brewed coffee contains almost no calories, while coffee with dairy products, sugar, and other flavorings is much higher in calories. An espresso has 20 calories. A nonfat latte has 72, while a flavored one has 134.

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