


(UK dialectal, Northern England) alternative past participle of bake; baked.

Usage notes

Though the use of baken as a strong past participle for bake is now restricted to northern English dialects, it was formerly more widespread. For example, it is the predominant form in the King James Bible.


• banke, e-bank

Source: Wiktionary


Definition: p. p. of Bake. [Obs. or. Archaic]


Bake, v. t. [imp.& p. p. Baked; p. pr. & vb. n. Baking.] Etym: [AS. bacan; akin to D. bakken, OHG. bacchan, G. backen, Icel. & Sw. baca, Dan. bage, Gr.

1. To prepare, as food, by cooking in a dry heat, either in an oven or under coals, or on heated stone or metal; as, to bake bread, meat, apples.

Note: Baking is the term usually applied to that method of cooking which exhausts the moisture in food more than roasting or broiling; but the distinction of meaning between roasting and baking is not always observed.

2. To dry or harden (anything) by subjecting to heat, as, to bake bricks; the sun bakes the ground.

3. To harden by cold. The earth . . . is baked with frost. Shak. They bake their sides upon the cold, hard stone. Spenser.

Bake, v. i.

1. To do the work of baking something; as, she brews, washes, and bakes. Shak.

2. To be baked; to become dry and hard in heat; as, the bread bakes; the ground bakes in the hot sun.

Bake, n.

Definition: The process, or result, of baking.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

27 July 2024


(adjective) ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance; “was boorish and insensitive”; “the loutish manners of a bully”; “her stupid oafish husband”; “aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude”

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Coffee Trivia

The expression “coffee break” was first attested in 1952 in glossy magazine advertisements by the Pan-American Coffee Bureau.

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