

plural of asperity


• patisserie, pâtisserie

Source: Wiktionary


As*per"i*ty, n.; pl. Asperities. Etym: [L. asperitas, fr. asper rough: cf. F. aspérité.]

1. Roughness of surface; unevenness; -- opposed to smoothness. "The asperities of dry bodies." Boyle.

2. Roughness or harshness of sound; that quality which grates upon the ear; raucity.

3. Roughness to the taste; sourness; tartness.

4. Moral roughness; roughness of manner; severity; crabbedness; harshness; -- opposed to mildness. "Asperity of character." Landor. It is no very cynical asperity not to confess obligations where no benefit has been received. Johnson.

5. Sharpness; disagreeableness; difficulty. The acclivities and asperities of duty. Barrow.


– Acrimony; moroseness; crabbedness; harshness; sourness; tartness. See Acrimony.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

18 September 2024


(noun) a jet engine in which a fan driven by a turbine provides extra air to the burner and gives extra thrust

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Coffee Trivia

Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world. Each year Brazil exports more than 44 million bags of coffee. Vietnam follows at exporting over 27 million bags each year.

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