

plural of ashlaring


• Shangri-Las, Shangri-las

Source: Wiktionary


Ash"lar*ing, Ash"ler*ing, n.

1. The act of bedding ashlar in mortar.

2. Ashlar when in thin slabs and made to serve merely as a case to the body of the wall. Brande & C.

3. (Carp.)

Definition: The short upright pieces between the floor beams and rafters in garrets. See Ashlar, 2.


Ash"lar, Ash"ler, n. Etym: [OE. ascheler, achiler, OF. aiseler, fr. aiselle, dim. of ais plank, fr. L. axis, assis, plank, axle. See Axle.]

1. (Masonry) (a) Hewn or squared stone; also, masonry made of squared or hewn stone. Rough ashlar, a block of freestone as brought from the quarry. When hammer-dressed it is known as common ashlar. Knight.

(b) In the United States especially, a thin facing of squared and dressed stone upon a wall of rubble or brick. Knight.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

3 July 2024


(noun) an excited state of agitation; “he was in a dither”; “there was a terrible flap about the theft”

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Coffee Trivia

In the 18th century, the Swedish government made coffee and its paraphernalia (including cups and dishes) illegal for its supposed ties to rebellious sentiment.

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