

plural of annate


• tannase

Source: Wiktionary

An"nats, An"nates, n. pl. Etym: [See Ann.] (Eccl. Law)

Definition: The first year's profits of a spiritual preferment, anciently paid by the clergy to the pope; first fruits. In England, they now form a fund for the augmentation of poor livings.


Ann, An"nat, n. Etym: [LL. annata income of a year, also, of half a year, fr. L. annus year: cf. F. annate annats.] (Scots Law)

Definition: A half years's stipend, over and above what is owing for the incumbency, due to a minister's heirs after his decease.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

20 June 2024


(adverb) not to a significant degree or amount; “our budget will only be insignificantly affected by these new cuts”

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