

plural of accumulator

Source: Wiktionary


Ac*cu"mu*la`tor, n. Etym: [L.]

1. One who, or that which, accumulates, collects, or amasses.

2. (Mech.)

Definition: An apparatus by means of which energy or power can be stored, such as the cylinder or tank for storing water for hydraulic elevators, the secondary or storage battery used for accumulating the energy of electrical charges, etc.

3. A system of elastic springs for relieving the strain upon a rope, as in deep-sea dredging.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

23 May 2024


(noun) valuable flesh of fatty fish from shallow waters of northern Atlantic or Pacific; usually salted or pickled

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Coffee Trivia

According to WorldAtlas, Finland is the biggest coffee consumer in the entire world. The average Finn will consume 12 kg of coffee each year.

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