Ac*croach", v. t. Etym: [OE. acrochen, accrochen, to obtain, OF. acrochier, F. accrocher; à (L. ad) + croc hook (E. crook).]

1. To hook, or draw to one's self as with a hook. [Obs.]

2. To usurp, as jurisdiction or royal prerogatives. They had attempted to accroach to themselves royal power. Stubbs.

Source: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1913 Edition


Word of the Day

5 October 2024


(noun) mattress consisting of a pad of cotton batting that is used for sleeping on the floor or on a raised frame

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Coffee Trivia

Decaffeinated coffee comes from a chemical process that takes out caffeine from the beans. Pharmaceutical and soda companies buy the extracted caffeine.

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